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svguha's Garage


2008-06-17 19:51:12
1989 GMAC S15 Jimmy 4X4 Gypsy (2door) 4.3l TBI   . . . . .   100% Useful Rating
I used to own a 1989 GMAC S15 Jimmy. It had a 4.3 litre TBI (throttle body injection) system. The truck was my 1st SUV.
Way back when when fuel prices were $1.36 a gallon. Ever noticed whenever we have a war, fuel goes up? 1988-90 we had
the Gulf war and fuel rose from $.89cents per US Gallon (Massachusetts prices) to $1.54 a gallon, and then the war was
over and it dropped to $1.36 a gallon and held there. Till 9/11 happened and our fearless leader went to war on the
Taliban, and anyone else that came in between. So now we have, after 7 years of warring fuel at $4.09 a gallon and
climbing. GO BUSH! Anyhow regarding the S15 Jimmy. Excellent vehicle. Reliability depends specially on how the owner
before you took care of it. In my case I was unlucky in that respect. Stuff broke down nearly everyday. I originally
paid $2500 for it. My 1st SUV purchased at my 1st dealer sale. I AM GOING BACK TO PRIVATE SALES FROM NOW ON! After I got
put a brand new fuel tank in it, new brakes,pads,shoes etc all around and 4 new tires, a new exhaust from the manifold
back, it ran for a while (2 months) and then the engine was ready to die at 164,000 miles. So I promptly put a junkyard
special in it. And my luck changed. The junkyard motor had less than 50,000 on it. After a freezing engine swap,
(Thanksgiving weekend 2002) outside in my friend's yard, after 3 days of being nearly frost bitten, the SUV finally had
good working parts in it. I finally sold it off for way less than I put into it, for I went on to become an OTR truck
driver and couldn't afford storage, but I hear thru the grapevine the kid who bought it, loved it till he rolled it over
one summer day. Overall, I was happy with the Jimmy. It needed a lot of TLC, but was a great truck. It did aprox 18mpg
on 2wd on city streets, 22mpg on the highway, and with the 4wd engaged it did aprox 12's-15mpg. But it could pull just
about anything thrown at it, through Maine winters. If today fuel prices werent this darn high, I would reconsider
buying another GMAC S15 Jimmy 4x4 or a Blazer. But with fuel the way it's gong in the continental USA I am seriously
thinking of getting a VW Jetta, a Smart car or a motorcycle.